Photograph by Justin Kerr
Kerr Number:  K7749
Comments:  IN marble vase. Two rulers urge two prisoners in combat with sharpened bones. According to Mark Zender, the rim text reads as follows: yu-k'i-b'i lu-mi-li pi-tz-la uWI' wi-WINIK-ki-li b'a-TE' Pi-tzi-la u-NICH-ki-li ka-b'a-la, y-uk'ib' luumil pitziil u-wi'-winik-il b'ate pitziil u-nichkil kab'al pitziil. It is the driking cup of the dirty-ballplayer, [who is] the last man of the-ballplayer and son of the earthy-ballplayer.

CLICK for discussion of the text and figures by Zender and Barrales and still of the vessel