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Kerr Number:  5615
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  4
Height:  18 cm
Diameter:  18.5 cm
Circumference:  57.4 cm
MS Number:  827
Owner:  Popol Vuh Museum Guatemala
Publications:  Painting the Maya Universe,p.277
Calender Round:  
Site:  Nebaj
Comments:  After his beheading by the Lords of the Otherworld, Hun Hunaphu's head is hung in a cacao tree.  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  Inscription - other text, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Sacrifice, Tree, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye, Offering to humans or gods, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2000-06-14

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