
Results 21 - 22 of 22
Kerr Number:  8740
Vase Type:  Carved
Figure Count:  2
Height:  16.6 cm
Diameter:  14.5 cm
Circumference:  42 cm
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Site:  Chocholá
Comments:  A ruler holds lotus blossoms. The monkey like figure holds offering in the form of wa (bread)  CLICK for the shape of the vessel.
Iconographic Elements:  Monkey, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2003-09-08

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Kerr Number:  8853
Vase Type:  Carved
Figure Count:  1
Height:  14.5 cm
Diameter:  13.9 cm
Circumference:  41.3 cm
MS Number:  
Calender Round:  
Site:  Chochola, Northern Yucatan
Comments:  7 Ahaw, the brother of the maize God Hun Hunahpu is not often mentioned. This vase has his portrait and name using the number 7 and the Ahaw vulture. Note also the inverrted triangle of three dots marking him as one of the Hero Twin family  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2005-01-20

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