
Results 341 - 350 of 1937
Kerr Number:  1834
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  2
Height:  8.2 cm
Diameter:  25 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Comments:    CLICK HERE for a drawing of the bowl
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, God K, Kawil, Vision Serpent

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1835
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  3
Height:  20.5 cm
Diameter:  12.6 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Comments:  3 ways  
Iconographic Elements:  Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Peccary

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1836
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  3
Height:  8.2 cm
Diameter:  25 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  The Maya Book of the Dead
Calender Round:  
Comments:  The prone figure is heavily restored and may not have been prone.  
Iconographic Elements:  Codex - book, Inscription - other text, Primary Standard Sequence, Ink or paint container, Sabak Kuch, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-12-23

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Kerr Number:  1837
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  4
Height:  21.3 cm
Diameter:  18.5 cm
Circumference:  56.1 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  The Maya Vase Book, Vol1 p.116
Calender Round:  
Site:  Naranjo
Comments:  On a black background the Corn god dances with a dwarf. The scribe uses a foot print in the glyph for writer as the be sound, while he uses the animal head in the glyph for vase as the be sound  
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Dwarf, Inscription - other text, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1838
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  4
Height:  17 cm
Diameter:  9.4 cm
Circumference:  30.1 cm
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Iconographic Elements:  Inscription - other text, Musicians, Way, alter ego, nagual

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1839
Vase Type:  Carved
Figure Count:  0
Height:  9.8 cm
Diameter:  5.4 cm
Circumference:  17.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Comments:  May be Fake Copied from Kaminaljuyu Altar 10 See Schele drawing in Cosmos 1993:141 fig.3.11a   
Iconographic Elements:  

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1871
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  7
Height:  20.5 cm
Diameter:  15.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Owner:  NMAI-Smithsonian (Heye)
Calender Round:  
Site:  Campeche
Comments:  Ballgame  
Iconographic Elements:  Ball or ballgame, Conch shell, Dwarf, Inscription - other text, Yokes, ballgame gear

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1872
Vase Type:  Molded
Figure Count:  
Height:  25.5 cm
Diameter:  14 cm
MS Number:  
Calender Round:  
Comments:  K1212 and K1872 are both made from the same mold  
Iconographic Elements:  

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1873
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  0
Height:  10.2 cm
Diameter:  29 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Hand stone, tri-lobe, Inscription - other text, Shield, pakal, spears, Trophy head, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Vision Serpent, Yokes, ballgame gear

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-20

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Kerr Number:  1882
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  3
Height:  14 cm
Diameter:  11.5 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Maya Book of the Dead Vessel 37a
Calender Round:  7 Chicchan 8 Chen
Comments:  Old god wearing deer antlers emerges from the serpents mouth. Bird and God K. Noteworthy are two vases ( K1882 and K1384)--discussed by Dave Stuart in his 2010 Antigua workshop--in which the serpent who is the foot of K'awiil emerges from behind one of these objects, but instead of the usual T671 /chi/ hand seen on the monuments, on these vases one finds an animate agave or century plant ( /chih/ )--the source of pulque and tequila. Dave suggested that this might be an agave aspect of Chahk (who can have plant attributes). He also regards it as an ancestral toponym, and not a throne.  
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Bundle, tribute, cache, Conch shell, God K, Kawil, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Vision Serpent

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-21

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