
Results 111 - 120 of 650 for "maya"
Kerr Number:  1376
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  
Height:  13 cm
Diameter:  11.5 cm
Circumference:  33.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 46.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  2 animals with cache vessels in sacrifice scene, figure floating in sky  
Iconographic Elements:  Blood, Dog, canine, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Sacrifice, Self sacrifice, Trophy head, Way, alter ego, nagual

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1380
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  2
Height:  11 cm
Diameter:  12.3 cm
Circumference:  33.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 29.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  God A and jaguar heavily over-painted  
Iconographic Elements:  God A, generally skeletal, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Way, alter ego, nagual

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1381
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  3
Height:  9.5 cm
Diameter:  10 cm
Circumference:  29 cm
MS Number:  0
Owner:  Chryler Museum, Norfolk museum no. 82.120
Publications:  maya Vase Book, Vol. 1
Calender Round:  
Comments:  God Aprime sits with bowl in front of vessel with alcoholic beverage and enema clyster  
Iconographic Elements:  Conch shell, Dog, canine, Enema scene or apparatus, Inscription - other text, God A', God Aprime, Ah Kan, Drinking alcohol, drunkard

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1382
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  0
Height:  15 cm
Diameter:  15.2 cm
Circumference:  40.5 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Vessel12.
Calender Round:  13 MULUC 1 PAX
Comments:  Snake Lady with old god and two bundled characters. An argument exists as to whether the bundled figures represent birth or death.  CLICK for the shape of the vessel and text
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Curtains, in palace scenes, God N, Inscription - other text, Snakelady entwined with Och Chan, Primary Standard Sequence, Chak, Chac, Rain God

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  1384
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  0
Height:  9 cm
Diameter:  10.5 cm
Circumference:  28 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 37. Arqueologia Mexicana May- June 2004
Calender Round:  7 Chicchan 18 Zac
Comments:  The god of hunting wearing deer antlers emerges from the serpent's mouth. God K attached to Och Chaan. (The stone elemnt is a CHI? Throne. Simon Martin) Noteworthy are two vases ( K1882 and K1384)--discussed by Dave Stuart in his 2010 Antigua workshop--in which the serpent who is the foot of K'awiil emerges from behind one of these objects, but instead of the usual T671 /chi/ hand seen on the monuments, on these vases one finds an animate agave or century plant ( /chih/ )--the source of pulque and tequila. Dave suggested that this might be an agave aspect of Chahk (who can have plant attributes). He also regards it as an ancestral toponym, and not a throne.  
Iconographic Elements:  Birds, Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Conch shell, Deer, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2002-12-16

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Kerr Number:  1386
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  31
Height:  18 cm
Diameter:  17 cm
Circumference:  57.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Grolier 37, maya Book Of The Dead Fig 30a.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Vase of 31 Gods  
Iconographic Elements:  Bats, Birds, Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Bundle, tribute, cache, Conch shell, Dog, canine, Insect, Peccary, Rabbit, Rodents, rats, paca, etc., Scribes, artists, carvers, Toad, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Yokes, ballgame gear, Ink or paint container, Sabak Kuch

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1387
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  2
Height:  0
Diameter:  10 cm
Circumference:  29.5 cm
MS Number:  1448
Publications:  Rob 81
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Personification of Young Corn God as Major Bird Deity. The rim text places the action at the Hix Witz (jaguar mountain) place. See Reents-Budet at," NAME="Link to," TITLE="Link to,">, See martin/Reents  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  Birds, Inscription - other text, Principal Bird Deity, Vucub Caquix, Itzam Ye, Sky band with star glyphs, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1388
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  0
Height:  6.3 cm
Diameter:  17 cm
Circumference:  49.5 cm
MS Number:  1449
Publications:  Rob 81
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Bowl see K1387 SEE" NAME="Link to" TITLE="Link to">  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  Birds

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1389
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  
Height:  11 cm
Diameter:  10.5 cm
Circumference:  31.5 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 41
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Highly eroded CX quadrooned  
Iconographic Elements:  Deer, God A, generally skeletal, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Way, alter ego, nagual

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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Kerr Number:  1392
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  4
Height:  15.8 cm
Diameter:  19.5 cm
Circumference:  60 cm
MS Number:  
Owner:  Virgina Museum of Fine Arts accesion # 82.131
School:  Fenton
Publications:  Painting The maya Universe, P. 258
Calender Round:  
Site:  Nebaj
Comments:  Fenton style vase with offerings and cloth presentation  
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Bundle, tribute, cache, Cloth, Inscription - other text, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-08

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