Kerr Number: 5002 | Vase Type: Codex Style | Figure Count: 5 | Height: 5 cm | Diameter: 17.5 cm | Circumference: 48.5 cm | MS Number: | Owner: | School: | Publications: The maya Vase Book, Vol. 4 P. 641 | Calender Round: 9 Ahaj 15 YAX | Site: | Comments: One in a series of vases and bowls presenting a scene of conflict. This scenes are generally assigned to the water group. | Iconographic Elements: Axe, Cloth, Lord, elite person not a ruler, Shield, pakal, spears, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye | |
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Photograph by Justin Kerr Added 1998-01-19
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