
Results 561 - 570 of 650 for "maya"
Kerr Number:  6547
Vase Type:  Incised
Figure Count:  11
Height:  12.9 cm
Diameter:  17.3 cm
Circumference:  48 cm
MS Number:  
Owner:  Museum für Volkerkunde Berlin Germany
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P.972
Calender Round:  
Comments:  A burial scene where the deceased is tied with knots and persons mourn. In the second scene the deceased is shown growing as a tree with members of his family. The text suggests the Itza family was in the Peten in the Early Classic  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  Female, Inscription - other text, Monkey, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Tree

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-03-05

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Kerr Number:  6552
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  3
Height:  20.2 cm
Diameter:  15 cm
Circumference:  45.7 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 973
Calender Round:  
Site:  IK
Comments:  Badly eroded vase with seated scribe telling story. He wears paint pot in headdress with kuch glyph  Read Where Do You Wear Your Paint-pot an explanation of the scribes icon.
Iconographic Elements:  Ah K'hun, orator, Inscription - other text, Scribes, artists, carvers, Ink or paint container, Sabak Kuch, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-11-27

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Kerr Number:  6560
Vase Type:  Molded
Figure Count:  6
Height:  19.5 cm
Diameter:  9 cm
Circumference:  40 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 974
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Pedestal vase, orange, two scenes of ruler seated on monster head throne facing God K with God D behind.  
Iconographic Elements:  God D, Itzamnah, God K, Kawil, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Sky band with star glyphs, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-09-27

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Kerr Number:  6599
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  2
Height:  17 cm
Diameter:  11.5 cm
Circumference:  34.7 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 975
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Pauahtuns using hand to make MANIK sign in front of ma Ahaj glyphs  
Iconographic Elements:  Bundle, tribute, cache, Inscription - other text, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-11-27

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Kerr Number:  6612
Vase Type:  Carved
Figure Count:  0
Height:  20 cm
Diameter:  12.7 cm
Circumference:  41 cm
MS Number:  0
Owner:  Denver Art Museum Denver CO
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 976
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Slanted rows of glyphs and snake tail  
Iconographic Elements:  Inscription - other text, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-11-27

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Kerr Number:  6754
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  4
Height:  10.4 cm
Diameter:  11.6 cm
Circumference:  29.5 cm
MS Number:  1772
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 977
Calender Round:  7 Muluk 15 Yax
Comments:  Snake lady looking at Kawil with one bundled Pax figure. Three glyph text same as end text on 6751. See" NAME="Link to" TITLE="Link to">  CLICK for the shape of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  God K, Kawil, Inscription - other text, Snakelady entwined with Och Chan

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-12-24

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Kerr Number:  6755
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  2
Height:  17 cm
Diameter:  8 cm
Circumference:  26.5 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 978
Calender Round:  
Site:  Naranjo
Comments:  Maize God as Sun god prisoner seated with flares, being burned see CX style vessels with same theme , PSS, diagonal text with sun god glyphs  
Iconographic Elements:  Fire, Inscription - other text, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  6812
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  5
Height:  18.2 cm
Diameter:  11 cm
Circumference:  37 cm
MS Number:  
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 979
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Three bearers bring cloth and feathers to ruler  
Iconographic Elements:  Ah K'hun, orator, Bundle, tribute, cache, Cloth , Inscription - other text

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  6813
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  0
Height:  17 cm
Diameter:  18 cm
Circumference:  83 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  The maya Vase Book, Volume 6 P. 980
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Bowl with cartouches and Naranjo rulers name.  
Iconographic Elements:  Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-12-24

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Kerr Number:  6948
Vase Type:  Molded
Figure Count:  2
Height:  19.8 cm
Diameter:  17.8 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Compare with a vase in the collection of The National Museum of Guatemala No.1812. Published in Kidder 1959:98 The Art of the Ancient Maya. Said to have come from Guastatoya, Progreso, Guatemala, Atlantic Slope.  CLICK for the shape of the vessel.
Iconographic Elements:  God K, Kawil

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2003-12-24

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