
Results 21 - 30 of 650 for "maya"
Kerr Number:  633
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  6
Height:  24 cm
Diameter:  16 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  1374
Owner:  The Art Institute of Chicago Acc no. 1986.1081
Publications:  Coe 78 The Lords Of The Underworld; Painting The maya Universe,p.63
Calender Round:  
Site:  Naranjo
Comments:  Holmul style 3 panels of dancing Corn God. Attributed to Ah Maxan See Bacon:  CLICK HERE for a high res drawing of the vessel
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Dwarf, Emblem glyph, Insect, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, Principal Bird Deity, Vucub Caquix, Itzam Ye, Paddlers to the otherworld, Xibalba, Sky band with star glyphs, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-05-07

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Kerr Number:  635
Vase Type:  Black & White
Figure Count:  0
Height:  23.5 cm
Diameter:  14.5 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  1375
Publications:  Coe, The maya Scribe And His WorldNo.47, Reents, Painting The maya Universe,p.61
Calender Round:  
Site:  Naranjo
Comments:  The text suggests that the painter of this vase, Aj Maxam was a prince of Naranjo whose mother was a Lady of Yaxha.  Compare with drawing from Coe's Maya Scribe.
Iconographic Elements:  Emblem glyph, Fleur-de-lis symbol, Inscription - other text, Paddlers to the otherworld, Xibalba, Primary Standard Sequence

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1999-12-15

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Kerr Number:  688
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  3
Height:  22.5 cm
Diameter:  12 cm
Circumference:  36.5 cm
MS Number:  1123
Owner:  Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA
Publications:  Painting The maya Universe,p.21, maya Book Of The Dead Fig 20b.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Black background vase with lord descending in Xibalba on snout of bearded dragon being welcomed by two deities with blood stained wristlets.  
Iconographic Elements:  Blood, Noh Kaan, Och Chan, God3, Baby Jaguar, Inscription - other text, Principal Bird Deity, Vucub Caquix, Itzam Ye, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Canoe, boat, Chak, Chac, Rain God

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-05

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Kerr Number:  700
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  6
Height:  18 cm
Diameter:  11.2 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  
Publications:  maya Book Of The Dead Fig 17b
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Two teams of 3 combatants boxers each using conch shell hand weapons, one team wearing G3 masks and the other team wearing G3 jaguar heads as trophy heads on the back of their belts. One of this team is lying on ground with mask fallen off. boxing hand to hand  
Iconographic Elements:  Blood, Conch shell, God3, Baby Jaguar, Hand stone, tri-lobe, Inscription - other text, Trophy head

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  717
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  3
Height:  21.5 cm
Diameter:  13.2 cm
Circumference:  41.4 cm
MS Number:  59
Publications:  Rob 81, Vol.1 P. 39; Painting The maya Universe,p.38
Calender Round:  7 Manik 5 Uo
Comments:   Scribal workshop  CLICK for the shape of the vessel and discussion of the text
Iconographic Elements:  Ah K'hun, orator, Bundle, tribute, cache, Codex - book, Conch shell, Inscription - other text, Mirror, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Scribes, artists, carvers, Ink or paint container, Sabak Kuch, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  718
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  6
Height:  25.2 cm
Diameter:  16.5 cm
Circumference:  53 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Rob 81 The Book Of The Dead;The maya Vase Book Volume 1
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Dark Brown on yellow, slightly gadrooned very heavily restored, reworked in 1994 showing most of the characters did exist; see vases 2284,2286.  
Iconographic Elements:  Female, Bees, honey, God A, generally skeletal, Inscription - other text, Jaguar, Water lily Jaguar, God A', God Aprime, Ah Kan, Penis perforator, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Sacrifice, Trophy head, Primary Standard Sequence, Throne

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-05

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Kerr Number:  719
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  4
Height:  14.5 cm
Diameter:  11 cm
Circumference:  31.5 cm
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Robicsek,maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 10.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Snake Lady, Old god with flare, God K  CLICK HERE for the shape of the vessel.
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Curtains, in palace scenes, God N, God K, Kawil, Snakelady entwined with Och Chan

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 2000-12-15

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Kerr Number:  731
Vase Type:  Polychrome
Figure Count:  4
Height:  22 cm
Diameter:  11.7 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  1120
Owner:  Museum of Fine Arts Boston MA
Publications:  Reents, Painting The maya Universe,p.208;
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Red background with Young Corn God coming out of split carapace or serpent bar and canoes and paddlers  
Iconographic Elements:  Dog, canine, God3, Baby Jaguar, God N, Mirror, Paddlers to the otherworld, Xibalba, Sky band with star glyphs, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Maize God, Hun Hunahpu, Hun Nal Ye, Primary Standard Sequence, Canoe, boat, Chak, Chac, Rain God

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-05-28

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Kerr Number:  759
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  2
Height:  15 cm
Diameter:  12 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Robicsek, The maya Book Of The Dead, Vessel 162
Calender Round:  
Comments:  God Aprime holding cache vessel. He wears jaguar headdress and death's eye collar. The scene suggests that a sacrifice for the dead. has been made.  
Iconographic Elements:  Axe, Fire, Inscription - other text, God A', God Aprime, Ah Kan, Ruler, king, cacique, governor, potentate, Sacrifice

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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Kerr Number:  760
Vase Type:  Codex Style
Figure Count:  2
Height:  14.9 cm
Diameter:  11.5 cm
Circumference:  0
MS Number:  0
Publications:  Robicsek,maya Book Of The Dead Vessel 64.
Calender Round:  
Comments:  Old scribes with open codices in hand  
Iconographic Elements:  Noh Kaan, Och Chan, Codex - book, Scribes, artists, carvers, Twins - Hunahpú & Xbalanqué, Ink or paint container, Sabak Kuch

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Photograph by Justin Kerr
Added 1998-01-19

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